Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Here's Hoping for the New Year

It’s January. Wishing and hoping for a happy new year is futile without putting in some legwork. You know the saying: you get out of life what you put into it.

So, for me it’s all about the New Year’s resolutions. Sources of hope, but only momentary, says a true but sceptical friend. But in my mind you simply cannot have a happy new year without trying, and trying is a hopeful enterprise. December is the month to think about change and growth then bam! January has arrived and it’s all about The List.

In 2010 I made three New Year’s Resolutions:

*Drink more water
*Don’t rush, and
*Only use my bank’s ATMs

I drank so much water that I ended up in the urologist’s office and the less said about that day the better. But the good news is I have decreased the frequency of those early morning headaches. That expert on the radio was right: most headaches are caused by dehydration.

I managed to avoid rushing, except when compelled to do so by other people’s disorganization. It was important to learn that stuff happens sometimes and it’s better to be patient rather than flustered. But mostly I have tried to allow time to get places or complete tasks, and for this I generally feel satisfied. And I avoided calamity in that I didn’t fall over, crash the car or hurt anyone.

As for those $2 bank fees, I made it to October before I bailed. When it comes to banks, I concede defeat.

“So what’s your New Year’s resolution” I ask the beloveds.
“To be more awesome” replied the 17 year old.
“To cycle more” said the husband.
“To have my boyfriend sleep over” said the first born.

This year the list has grown. You won’t see clichéd rubbish such as “lose 20 kilos” or “get fit” on my list. Sadistic, unrealistic and designed to disappoint.

Resolutions are ways to reclaim control in a world full of chaos. Climate change, environmental catastrophes, personal grief, unlucky, chance events. My resolutions are practical, tangible demonstrations of hope, that when all else fails, small ways exist to improve health and happiness and maybe even make me a better person.

So what’s on for 2011? In no particular order:

*Maintain last year’s resolutions
*Always wear a sunhat
*Walk the dog more
*Swim in the ocean more
*Enter competitions
*Where reasonable, don’t say no
*Put the seatbelt on straight away

In the end, it’s up to me. I won’t be burdened with guilt if I fail once or twice. For me it’s about trying and hoping for the best. That’s what makes me feel better. It’s all about hope, really.